A Regretful Story with One of my USA customers–Tony

pdc hole opener 2

Today I suddenly got bad news. Because of the Covid19, my American customer Tony had to close his company. Since then, we have changed from partners to friends in life.

Let’s talk about our cooperation experience:

In 2016, I received an inquiry from Alibaba, from Tony in the United States, about the rock reamer. The customer urgently needed it, so we got up early in the morning to make a plan for the customer and design the drawings. It was provided to the customer in time, and he was also quite satisfied. So we successfully completed our first cooperation.

Then, in order to expand the market and expand new products, the customer saw our PDC reamer on the website and was very interested. So we gave him a comprehensive introduction, the customer tried it and was very satisfied. So we have more cooperation.

However, Among them, there were also some challenges. I remember that there was a shipment because the weight of the reamer was too heavy. The box broke during the forwarder shipping. We hurriedly made a plan.

Urgently provide iron boxes for transportation from the factory to the freight forwarder. According to this lesson, the transportation department discusses and developed a new packaging plant.

1. For small-sized boxes, use new designs wooden box were replaced, stronger.

2. For large-sized and heavy-weight boxes were converted to an iron box.

This plan is also thanks to my client Tony, Although he is not in the drilling tools market, I still give my best wishes to him

Because he is a very nice man!

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